Meet the Creators

Gabriel & Ben are cousins who love to play and create board games. They were inspired by games such as Settlers of Catan, Monopoly, and Risk. When it comes to creating something new, making sure it is fun for the whole family is the first priority.

Topper Knocker Creative Director & Designer Gabriel Erwin

  • Creative Director & UX Designer

    Born in Austin, TX fell in love with playing board games when he was little. His love for board games is paired with an equal passion for rock climbing.

    Graduated from St. Edward’s University in Austin with a specialization in both User Experience Design & Graphic Design.

Topper Knocker Game Theory & Accounting Ben Shipman

  • Game Theory & Accounting

    Born in Fort Worth, Texas with a love for board games as a young kid. Masterful at game theory, fencing and winning Settlers of Catan without fail.

    Graduating from UT Austin with a degree in Plan II and sustainability studies.