Game Setup

Step 1

Choose player colors.

Step 2

Shuffle the card decks separately and place them near the board.

Step 3

Choose a starting tile or tiles with as many tower spaces as there are players

NOTE* Starting tiles cannot have boost spaces on them

Step 4

Shuffle the remaining stack of tiles and place them face down next to the board.

Step 5

Each player places a single color cube representing one tower piece on a vacant starting tile space.

Step 6

First player is determined by the player who’s birthday is coming up the soonest.

*If there is a conflict, resolve it with rock, paper scissors.

Difficulty Levels


A player’s final tower cannot be removed from the game. If any player’s final tower would be destroyed, it is instead reduced to level one.


If any player’s final tower is destroyed, they must also discard all their cards. At the start of their next turn, they may place a new level one tower on any vacant space on the map, discovering a new tile to build on if there are no available spaces.


Players can now be eliminated. If you lose your last tower, you’re done. Get outta here!

Turn Overview

1. Action Phase:

During your action phase, choose one of the three following actions; Draw, Build, or Discover.


Take a single card from a deck matching a tile you have a tower on.


Place one tower piece on top of one of your towers or…

…place a piece on a space adjacent to an existing tower of yours.


Draw a tile from the stack and place it in any orientation adjacent to one of your existing towers.

2. Card Play Phase:

After completing your turn phase, play any number of cards from your hand.

*Hand Limit is five cards. If you exceed five cards in your hand, discard down to five before playing your next card.

3. Card Draw Phase:

Draw one card for every level three tower you have on the board at the end of your turn.

Each card should match the color tile your tower resides on.

How To Win

Each player’s goal is to build five level three towers. Complete this task, and you win! When a player wins, their turn ends and gameplay stops.

Tiles & Boost Spaces

Tile Types:

Golden Field Tiles: Have only one building space and have a yellow Growth Deck that players draw from.

Cyan Spring Tiles: Have just two building spaces and have a blue Utility Deck that players draw from.

Crimson Valley Tiles: Have three building spaces and have a red Destruction Deck that players draw from.

Boost Spaces:

When a player builds on an empty boost space, that player draws a card from the deck of that color.

Action vs. Instant Cards

Action Cards

are kept in the player’s hand, and can be played during the Card Play Phase or when specified on the card.

Instant Card

are played immediately after being drawn, affecting the player who draws them.

Note* - When drawing Instant cards, you must immediately play them face up and resolve their effects on yourself. When drawing more than one Instant card in a single Card Draw Phase, choose the order in which they are resolved.